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How to get a Vehicle Title Search

So how do you get a car title search? Well, the first question is whether or not you can get one or not is what actually do you want searched.

What Can You Search in a Car Title?
If you want a history of the vehicle that’s okay. If you want to know what type of title it is salvaged repaired junk title that’s okay too. If you want to know the last state the car was registered then that’s an okay type of search to do. If you do want the owner’s names and identity of vehicle ownership that’s not okay.

Legal Restrictions: The Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA)
There’s a federal law called the DPP a driver’s Privacy Protection Act which limits access to ownership information. It was passed back in the 90s to protect identity and locations of people.

Misuse of Ownership Information
Let’s say for example you want to find out where somebody lived you look to their car you write down their plate number or their ID number and you go and do a title search and you find out where they live. Where there were people using that process to stop celebrities and to maybe find people that they want to know find out where they live. There was even cases of road rage where somebody would get mad at somebody on the road write down their car information and find out where they live and go knock on their door and do something bad to them. So for that reason you can’t search the owner of a vehicle that makes it difficult sometimes to track a prior owner.

Alternative Methods
If you need to get a car title in that case things like acceptable uses through a licensed investigative agency may be used to find that information. The information probably can’t be revealed to a third party but it could be used to do title recovery as opposed to a title search.

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