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California Lost Vehicle Title

Here are the instructions for getting a replacement vehicle title in the state of California.

Accessing the Form
California is a true DMV state, which means their Department of Motor Vehicles is not part of another entity within the state. They have a form that you can access online.

Filling Out the Form
You can find the link on our website or through the video link. It’s a document that needs to be filled out by the current legal title donor.

Notarization Requirement
So, it’s a true duplicate if you’re the title owner and you lost your document. If you have moved and you want them to send the address and the title to a different address, you have to appear in person at a California DMV. You can’t do it by mail.

Verification Process
If it’s the same address, you can do it by mail. It does need to be notarized. There’s a place at the bottom which requires a notary verification of your signature.

Reason for Notarization
The reason why is they don’t want to be sending the title, the legal document of your vehicle, to the wrong person. They want to make sure that you actually signed it. It’s for your protection.

Electronic Title Option
California is also an electronic title state, meaning that your vehicle may have had a prior electronic title. You didn’t have a paper title. This form will allow you to get a paper title if you need it for some other reason.

Submitting the Form
So fill out this form. You can go in person to a DMV if you’d rather do it by mail. And if you’re at the same address that you were when the title was issued, you can send it in, and pretty soon you’ll have this title document mailed to you at your address.

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