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Car Titles Articles

Car Title Fraud

Fraud in Kart Idling:
Fraud in kart idling is an increasing problem from many aspects. A vehicle title is a document designed to prove ownership. It requires that official representations are made in applying for that document. These are government forms because the title is only issued by government agency.

Government Documents:
You can’t buy one from a private company. It’s a government document like a birth certificate or a passport. It protects the rightful owners of the vehicle, the heirs, the lenders, anybody who has a claim against that car. If a vehicle title is issued without retaining those claims, meaning that you erase a lien holder, you transfer it from an owner or an heir does not get their proper representation, that’s theft by deception.

Theft by Deception:
So if you’re making a statement on an application that’s not true, you’re stealing somebody’s claim without the proper representation. You never know who has claims on a vehicle. So if you don’t have that prior title and you don’t know the whole story, have to be very careful to make sure that as you’re representing that application for a new title in your name, that you do it correctly.

Importance of Proper Representation:
Because without that prior title, you don’t know how your representations match the history of that vehicle.

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Can you get a Lost Car Title on Your Own?

Title Acquisition Methods
So how can you get a title for your vehicle on your own without having to pay a third-party company any method that’s legal that you’d pay somebody else to do you can do yourself there’s nothing that anybody else can do that you can’t do yourself any fee paid beyond just the basic title fee which is five or ten dollars is something you’re paying somebody else to do that you could do the work yourself if you want to do the legwork.

Legal and DIY Title Acquisition
If you can’t do it yourself that means it’s not legal that means if somebody else is doing it they’re doing something that’s not legal that may get you into trouble with your title one good example is a Vermont registration title this is a completely legal process that is used to get a title for vehicle if all you have is a bill of sale and you can find more information about that in other videos if it’s a vehicle that wouldn’t qualify for that you can use a prior owner true duplicate process but just keep in mind that in any case where you need to get a title for a vehicle if it’s legal to do you can do it yourself.

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Car Titles Finally Going Full Digital (No More Paper Titles)

Revolutionizing Vehicle Titles
Okay love the idea or hate it the days of paper car titles is coming to an end if you’ve struggled to get yourself a paper C title because of missing documents or having to deal with government bureaucracy having to deal with all kind of forms and having to sign paper with ink instead of the way you do everything else in life with electronic signatures your wishes are coming true.

The E-Art Coalition: Modernizing Vehicle Titles
The E-Art Coalition is a group of likeminded private sector companies that are coming together to try to modernize vehicle titles. What does this mean? Well government agencies that issue titles are at the state level Department of Motor Vehicles Department of Transportation Bureau Motor Vehicles every state has one and they have very bureaucratic rules as you know you’ve probably seen the DMV featured on sitcoms as a punch line they make it a joke about how hard it is to deal with the DMV and it’s because they’re one of the only agencies that still is in the dinosaur age with paper and Pen rather than Electronics so we’re coming together as a group to try to make vehicle titles become more in the modern area and you can see us here car titles look at some of the other uh other members DocuSign we’re one of the founding members along with NADA National Automotive Dealers Association meum auctions uh many other um high-profile Automotive stakeholders to work on getting vehicle titles into the Modern Age.

Objectives of the E-Art Coalition
The objectives are to get electronic signatures on title documents just like DocuSign electronic title and registration processing so you don’t have to wait in line at DMV you can do it all online and the transfers and title transfers this is going to revolutionize vehicle titles now it may take a couple years it’s not going to happen overnight but finally the struggles that we’ve dealt with with clients for almost 20 years now dealing with titles is starting to have some light at the end of the tunnel and we’re an advocate we’re rooting for you as a consumer to not have to deal with these problems anymore we’re taking the lead with these other companies to revolutionize vehicle titles.

Investment in Modernization
And to try to support that we’re putting a lot of money into programming and uh technology that will make the title processing uh easier as a company so once all the government agencies are on board we can just plug in our um it department and the titles can be done um right off the bat sometimes instantly you don’t have to wait anymore so keep an eye on this channel keep an eye on our website and we’ll see see how fast we can get government agencies to adopt this more modern and proper process of doing titles.

Challenges of Modernization
And it’s not really their fault they’re stuck in the dinosaur age because many of their computers are old school Cobalt or uh Cobalt or forant computers that aren’t able to interface with more modern technology so let us know what you think in the comments if this is a good idea and if it’s a long time coming and overdue.

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California Laws on Car Titles

Laws in California Regarding Vehicle Title Duplicate
So what are the laws in California about getting a vehicle title a true duplicate title is using form number reg two to seven that means that you have the car in your name you already had a title issue to you you just lost that document you can use that register to seven process to get another title if the owner is not present at the DMV needs to be notarized before you send it in if you’re having a process done of any type and it’s not the actual DMV that you’re paying the person you’re paying has to be licensed under California code CVC 505 point two if they’re not licensed the whole thing is invalid you can do it yourself that’s okay but if you’re paying somebody to do it for you that person has to be licensed.

Simultaneous Transfer of Ownership and Duplicate Title
an owner can transfer ownership simultaneous to getting a duplicate title that’s one really good thing about the California paperwork they can request a duplicate and request transfer at the same time this happens under California statute within eight to ten days their statute requires a certain turnaround time you can even pay extra for a rush title although you can only do that online you can’t do that if you walk into the DMV so make sure if you’re deal in California you abide by their very specific rules using the right form using a licensed agent if you’re paying somebody else and making sure that it’s notarized if you don’t appear in person.

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Bonded Title for Lost Vehicle Paperwork

How to Get a Bonded Title
In order to get a duplicate, a bonded title is a process where if you don’t have sufficient information and documents to give to the DMV and you want them to take your word for it that you’re the owner you might need to get a bonding company to issue you a policy which they’ll back up your word meaning that if there’s anything wrong with the title somebody comes up you know six months later and says hey that’s my car this bonding company will pay everybody off to make it make it right in pain anybody’s ownership claims off.

Verification Process
This is something that the bonding company doesn’t do automatically they’re gonna verify your story verify all the information you have to make sure that they’re not going to be on the hook to pay off thousands of dollars for a vehicle that somebody else is going to claim or lien holders kind of claim so the car has to qualify for this bond to title.

Fees and Specifics
The other thing is there’s some fees you got to pay the bonding company fee you have to pay the policy itself is like an insurance policy you have to buy it’s also state specific not every state will allow bonded titles it even gets worse if you get a bond the title from one state and then you bring it to another state that doesn’t recognize it that may be void in that state so be aware the bonded titles are state specific but sometimes it’s the method of last resort if you can’t do anything else you have to get a bound to title it something you can do yourself it’s completely DIY you don’t have to pay any third party to do this you just have to pay the bond fee and then the DMV fees to get the duplicate title but a bonded title can be a method of last resort if all other avenues have been exhausted and you can’t reach the prior owner.

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