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What’s a VIN Verification?

A VIN verification is a very important process that verifies that the VIN listed on a vehicle title is the same VIN listed on the physical vehicle. Many states have adopted a VIN verification policy when titling vehicles and those state DMVs take VIN verifications very seriously. 

Why do you need a VIN verification?

A VIN verification is a good idea for everyone, regardless of if their state requires it or not. Depending on your state’s requirements, this may be performed by a notary public, DMV employee, member of law enforcement, or other authorized individuals. By performing a VIN verification, you’re ensuring that you’re receiving the correct VIN on your title and that the VIN is eligible for a title.

If the VIN on your vehicle is not the VIN that matches the vehicle title, that’s a big problem. This means that your title is invalid and that corrections must be made. On top of the corrections, there will be additional steps to take to further prove ownership of the vehicle which now has no title. If the VIN is correct but found in the NMVTIS database, your vehicle is likely not eligible for a title. VINs entered into the NMVTIS database are usually considered junk or may even be reported stolen. 

The VIN verification process may seem tedious, but it’s a very necessary part of the vehicle title process. Some states don’t require a VIN verification or may waive the verification, but we recommend always performing your own VIN verification if one is not required. 

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