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How to get your Car Title for Free

So if you have a car that you purchased and you either don’t have a title for or you’ve lost it and it’s not already titled in your name, how can you get that title for free without paying a lot of money? Well, there’s 50 different states; each state has five or six different processes. So, there’s two or three hundred different methods to get a title. One of them will work for your particular scenario, and you could do this yourself.

Vermont Registration Title Method
The most common method is the Vermont registration title. You can look at our other videos on how that’s done, but the state of Vermont will issue a title to many vehicles with just a simple bill of sale, and that bill of sale does not have to be from the actual title owner; it can be from anybody that you bought the car from. That’s the easiest one.

Determining the Right Process
Determining what process will work for you is a little bit of legwork. Sometimes it requires a little bit of online research, but it’s something that, if the process exists, you can do it yourself. You don’t need to pay some money.

Duplicate Title Scenario
If it’s a true duplicate, meaning that you have the title in your name already, you just lost that document, you could just go down to your DMV, tell them you lost your title, and they’ll give you another one for four or five dollars. It’s easy to do.

Contacting the Prior Owner
If for some reason it wasn’t in your name, contacting the prior owner is the next best way to do it. But then you have to convince them to go down to DMV and get a title, which sometimes isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

DIY Title Process
Be aware that any process that’s legal and available, you can do yourself. You don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to a company to do this for you.

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Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. If it’s your car, you deserve a title.

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