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How to get a Title for a Vehicle with No Title

So for a vehicle, how do you get a title when you have no title? This is Dave at

Title Issuance Process
Equal title issued for each new owner. It’s not one piece of paper that follows that vehicle, so every time an ownership change happens, the new owner gets a new title printed in their name.

Title Issuance Requirements
Without the prior title, most DMVs will not issue a new title.

Common Methods
There’s a couple of methods that are very commonly used. One is to go through the state of Vermont. They will issue you a title, which has the bill of sale. If you have a bill of sale from any seller, those have to be the title owner. They’ll issue you a new title in your name in some circumstances.

Out-of-State Title Transfer
Now if you don’t live in Vermont or the car’s not in Vermont, that’s ok. You can get that title and then bring it to your state and exchange it for one in your state.

Other Title Methods
There’s also bonded titles and court order titles. All of this you can do yourself.

Assistance and Contact Information
If you need some suggestions or assistance on how to go through these processes, you can reach us at our website at

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