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Dealers Finally Getting Ready For Electronic Car Titles

Electronic Vehicle Titles
Well, it’s finally really happening. Electronic vehicle titles are almost here. We’ve been working in collaboration with many vendors, including DocuSign, CarMax, and many other major automotive professions, to get electronic titles working. And now, dealers are starting to get ready for this. Many of our dealer clients are looking forward to this tremendously because dealing with papers and documents and, you know, having to have paper titles all over the place is a pain in the neck for a dealership that might process hundreds of vehicles a month. So having these electronic titles is going to really be a load off the shoulders. And even if you’re a consumer, it’s going to eliminate a lot of paperwork.

Benefits of Electronic Titles
We have a package of paperwork that, you know, has a folder with two sides on it. This is going to eliminate a lot of bureaucracy and red tape for you as a consumer to have an electronic title.

Implementation Timeline and Resources
So, depending on what state you’re in, it may be a while—maybe a few months, maybe a few years—and it may only start with dealers and then auctions and then lenders and then filter down to consumer civilians. But finally, it’s here. Our collaboration with ESTART—you can find out on our website,—is our website. We have information about ESTART, which is the vehicle title electronic conversion collaboration that we’ve been working on for over a year now. It’s finally getting to the point that electronic titles are a reality.

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