Thousands of people every day discover that they have a title problem. has been established as a consumer resource to provide answers to every type of vehicle title scenario possible. For over 20 years has offered information to consumers to resolve their title issues. In every scenario, our consumer resources give the information on how to solve your own title problems using existing DMV processes. With over 1000 free instructional videos, and over 500 free downloadable forms, vehicle owners can select which title process is applicable to their scenario and overcome the obstacles they may face with their title. While we also offer a paid service to have the forms prepared for you, this is completely optional, and consumers can elect to access our complimentary title instructions free of charge, as a do-it-yourself project.
This was the first time I have used You guys were great got everything that was explained and super easy to follow through I have a buddy that is going to be getting ahold of you guys I highly extremely highly recommend you guys thanks again
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Hi Ken, One of our title agents called the DMV this morning, and confirmed for you that identifying the name of the prior owner is not a prerequisite for your title. The DMV is also required to provide a documented reason for a rejection if they do not process an application. Once we know the actual reason that a file is rejected, we can suggest what options exist for a solution. ———- Ken replied:
Thank you for your effort. I called another DMV and got a supervisor involved and believe it or not they called me back a few hours ago and said they were wrong. Everything is good and your service is awesome!! Thank you, Ken
My title came I’m so over that stress I have learned a lot with buying an car….thanks for taking your time out to guide me.
Hello, I want to say thank you so much!!!! Got my new calif title and plates!!! Very happy with your service!!!
Customer service will explain things clearly on the phone with you!
Just wanted to say I got a tag and insurance Thanks so much!!! I couldn’t have done it without you and your team! God bless you all!
Great service. They even provided clarification when I had secondary questions. Totally worth the money as they helped me sort out the situation and get to a desired end result.
Very helpful getting a classic car back on the road.
Great job helping me get my title
WOO HOO! I gave you a million stars on YELP and my Instagram account. You all rock. Sure will….I already got my Florida plates! YIPPEE! Whew! No stress from this anymore. Thank you!
Thank You for the quick response and completed forms I needed.
“I got my problem resolved. You guys are the best.”
Excellent and prompt service. Answered any additional questions. Instructions were very clear. Well worth the cost to save time and ensure accuracy. I submitted the documents to Vermont, received confirmation they were delivered so am just waiting for my VT registration so I can get a title for my 1979 Buick Regal.
I wanted to express that I could not be happier with the services that Title Recovery provided! We just imported a 1976 VW Westfalia into Canada from NY State and all of this happened thanks to you guys! Can’t wait to get started on this project. A special thank you to Derek and Raul for their patience and excellent customer service.I got my title as promised, even faster than expected actually. Thanks to everyone at for the great work. You saved me all the aggravation of dealing with this problem and that is worth everything to me! Thanks again everyone.
Very helpful guiding me in all the aspects of obtaining my registration. Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much for the fast servicing you guys are awesome.
Fast! Easy! Convenient! Enough said!
I’m very thankful that I find cartitles. They made it easy to find what I need to get my car back on the road.
I just received my car title for my VW Karmann Ghia that I lost the title for! You guys are amazing, I was so nervous and frustrated trying to figure out how to get a new title for the car I hadn’t been able to register in my name yet. You guys are a lifesaver! is by far the most knowledgeable site out there for every vehicle title situation. They literally have a wealth of knowledge on their website and YouTube videos for every possible scenario imaginable. My particular situation was pretty complex and after reaching out to them I received a call from Dave who, just had an unbelievable amount of wisdom to share with me about my vehicle. They handled my request letter quickly and professionally and, even sent it priority mail so I could track its arrival. I just received my letter from the lienholder 3 weeks ahead of the estimated/average time. I couldn’t be happier with the service or the outcome. Would definitely recommend them to anyone with vehicle title difficulties. They are the best