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Contacting the Prior Owner for Title AssistanceSo if you have a vehicle that you’re missing paperwork on to get a title one of the options you have is a prior owner contact you may have already thought of this of going back to the last owner who had a title and having them help you get a new title in your name if you purchased the car from the individual who had the legal title in their name that person can help you by getting a duplicate title and then signing it over to you be aware that only the current legal title owner can get a duplicate you can’t get a duplicate nobody else can the only person is the last title owner whose name was printed on the front of the title.
Making the Process Easy for the Prior OwnerSo if you know who that person is you can contact them and ask them for their help to get you a title sometimes a person might be reluctant to help you because they think they have to go to DMV they have to wait in line they have to do all this stuff in fact you can actually make it easy form in many cases you offering to do most of the legwork will be the thing that gets that person to call you back if you’ve been trying to text the owner or call them or email and we’re Facebook them and they’re not calling you back make it clear that you don’t want them to have to go down a weighted line all you need him to do is sign a form and if you get the form that’s needed to get a duplicate title from the DMV and you fill it out for me make it really easy and all you do is say hey look I got to do is put your autograph on this in many cases that will help you get that process done sometimes it has to be notarized but in many cases it doesn’t.
Handling Unknown Prior OwnersWell what if you don’t know who that owner is well we’ll talk about that momentarily how you can maybe get that information but if you do get the form signed look on that form in your state to see if you can do in duplicate and simultaneous transfer if you can get a simultaneous transfer this state will print a duplicate and at the same time put into your name without having to have the title sent to that person and then wait for them to get it and then have them signed it over to you if you can do duplicate and simultaneous transfer it saves you a step gets a title right in your name remember only the legal title owner can do this now what if you don’t know who the owner is how do you handle that.
Privacy Laws and Alternative SolutionsWell unfortunately the ownership records for a vehicle are protected under a federal privacy law called the DPP a the driver’s Privacy Protection Act and it prevents and prohibits any entity government entity company anybody from releasing ownership records for a person without their permission so you can’t just say I want to know who the owner of that car is because it’s against the law for anybody to tell you we have access to the records the DMV does but we can’t release it to a third party however we can use those records to try to contact a prior owner on your behalf as a licensed private investigative agency we can look up those records and take it the next step because in many cases the records will have an old address for that person they may have moved from there since that title is issued five or ten years ago find out where they live now and contact them about getting you your title and in many cases we do just exactly what we mentioned before we make it very easy for them we make it a simple process we have a kind of tried-and-true send a letter or certified letter with a four minute that we do with a very particular wording to make it in their best interest to help you out getting a title we do without revealing their identity to you but with your permission we would let them know if they had any questions about what they’re doing they could call you up but they’re gonna have the form to fill out the form to sign everything’s gonna be right in that envelope along with a return envelope with a stamp on it with your address on it so all they have to do is open it up sign it glue the envelope and send it to you and they’re all set so that’s one option you may have about contacting prior owners if before doing that you use some effort with that vehicle to try to find out if you can locate their information in the vehicle maybe there’s an old oil change receipt under the backseat maybe in the trunk there’s you know a business card something that might help you locate that person maybe even the dealership plate frame might help you go to that dealership and find out who bought the car do everything you can first to locate that person try to contact them but if you run out of avenues you want a back-up plan you can call us up but we can see how we can help you book contacting prior owner in many cases is your only option if that legal title is still in somebody else’s name technically they still own a car and you want to get it to your name as soon as you can.
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