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Car Titles Articles

How To Get A Car Title With A Bill Of Sale

Can you get a car title with a bill of sale? Yes, you can get a car title with a bill of sale, but only in certain situations.

What is a bill of sale?

A bill of sale is proof of the vehicle transaction. The bill of sale does not prove ownership of the vehicle, just that the sale of the vehicle occurred. A bill of sale is a legal document used to transfer ownership from one person to another. It can be used as proof of ownership when selling a vehicle privately or through a dealership. In all states, the seller needs to complete and sign the bill of sale before handing over the title.

For more tips regarding your bill of sale, check out our article How to Write a Bill of Sale.

Bill of sale only car titles

There are a few circumstances where a state will allow a vehicle to be registered with only a bill of sale. Those circumstances generally are:

  • If you are using the Vermont title loophole
  • If you are applying for a bonded title
  • If your state has specific titling restrictions for certain year vehicles

Using a bill of sale for the Vermont title loophole

The Vermont title loophole, more formally known as the Vermont registration process, is one of the most common ways to get a title for a vehicle using only a bill of sale. While vehicles that are 15 years or older can be registered in Vermont, they cannot be titled under Vermont law. This means that the registration document provided by the Vermont DMV is legally equivalent to a vehicle title in that state. With this legal proof of ownership, you can use this in lieu of a prior title to obtain a new title in your name.

Learn more about the Vermont title loophole!

Using a bill of sale for a bonded title

If your vehicle doesn’t meet the model year criteria for the Vermont title loophole, a bonded title is another valuable way to obtain a title using a bill of sale if your state allows for this method. Currently, only 35 out of the 50 U.S. states allow for a bonded title process. A bonded title requires you to obtain a vehicle title bond, or surety bond, to secure your claim of ownership.

Learn more about the bonded title process!

Titling restrictions by model year

In some states, titles are not required or optional for certain model-year vehicles. Typically, these model years vehicles are upwards of 25+ years old. For example, in Georgia, you can obtain a vehicle registration that is equivalent to a title for model years 1962 and older. Because titling is not required for these vehicles, similar to the Vermont title loophole, the Georgia registration document is equivalent to a title for that vehicle.

Overall, unless your vehicle meets these specific requirements, it will likely not be possible to get a title using only a bill of sale. But if your vehicle meets this criterion, these are very valuable and reputable methods to obtain a vehicle title. takes the hassle out of applying for a title for your vehicle. Our team of title experts can help prepare your paperwork for any title method provided.

How To Get A Bonded Title in Florida

If you are trying to title your vehicle in Florida, but find that you are missing important ownership documents, a bonded title may be a valuable alternative method to title your vehicle.

What is a bonded title?

A bonded title is a type of title recovery method that requires the purchase of a surety bond, also known as a vehicle title bond, to secure the ownership of the vehicle. This is because, in order to receive a bonded title, you must have a major lack of proper documentation. The DMV in your state is essentially taking your word that you are the owner of the vehicle. The vehicle title bond provides security for the DMV to assign the ownership in the event that there is an ownership discrepancy after the bonded title is issued.

What official documents are needed to get a bonded title in Florida?

To get a bonded title in Florida, you must provide the following completed official documents to your local DMV:

VIN verification and odometer verification

To apply for a bonded title, Florida law requires that the vehicle identification number (VIN) and the odometer be verified. The number on the odometer of the vehicle must be accurately reflected on this form. Federal and state law requires that this information be accurate and failure to provide accurate information may result in fines and/or imprisonment. 

VIN verification requires a physical inspection of the VIN of the vehicle. This is an official process and must be completed by an authorized agent such as a Florida licensed dealer, law enforcement officer, military police officer, or the Florida Compliance Inspector. VIN verification is required to ensure that the vehicle is permitted to be titled under federal and state laws. Certain VINs or replacement parts may be found in the NMVTIS database and unable to be titled if the vehicle was rebuilt or previously damaged.

Title Surety Bond For A Motor Vehicle (HSMV 82033)

This document must be completed by the surety company that issues you your vehicle title bond. The bond amount needed for Florida is 2x the value of the vehicle. This doesn’t mean that if your vehicle is worth $5,000 that you’ll have to pay $10,000 to get a title. Most vehicle title bonds cost a fraction of the actual value, typically at around $100-$200. The reason that applicants are required to purchase a bond with such a high value is that if there is a true discrepancy in ownership, the terms of the bond may cause you to pay the full amount to cover any damages.

How do you obtain a title bond in Florida?

A title bond can be purchased by any surety bond agency that is permitted to sell vehicle title bonds in Florida. Our partners at are experts at providing vehicle title bonds and can issue title bonds for vehicles in Florida.

A Florida bonded title is a very valuable method to obtain a vehicle title if you are missing ownership documents. takes the hassle out of applying for a title for your vehicle. Our team of title experts can help prepare your paperwork for any title method provided. Get started with your bonded title process!

Looking for a title bond? Get started with!×99.png

Want a professional to do it for you?

For as little as $159 for most processes, we will save you the headache and prepare all of the car title paperwork needed to get you a new title. Simply choose the title recovery method you’d like to use and we’ll get started!

Select your title recovery method:

Order Vermont Title LoopholeOrder Deceased Owner Title TransferOrder Bonded Title ProcessOrder Abandoned Vehicle ProcessOrder Prior Owner ContactOrder Lien Release Request Letter

MV907A New York Salvage Title Process Explained

Do you currently have a vehicle with an MV907A from New York that needs to be transferred to a vehicle title? New York, like some other states, allows for salvage vehicles to be rebuilt and titled for future road use. Unlike other states, New York is notorious for its rigid and strict inspection and titling procedures for these brands of vehicles.

What is form NY MV907A?

If you’ve purchased a vehicle from auction, you’ve likely received a salvage certificate known as form MV907A. This form is not equivalent to a vehicle title but is used as official proof of ownership to obtain a vehicle title, according to the New York DMV.

What defines a salvage vehicle in New York?

In New York, a vehicle is considered salvage if:

  • A vehicle model is 8 years old or newer and
  • The owner has indicated the vehicle was destroyed or received damage of 75% or more of the retail value of the vehicle at the time the damage occurred.

MV907A New York – Inspection Process

Before a salvage vehicle can be officially titled, the vehicle must be inspected by the New York DMV Auto Theft & Salvage Unit. Using the Salvage Examination/Title Application (MV83SAL), provide the following information about the vehicle:

  • Owner information & contact
  • Lienholder information & contact
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Year
  • Make
  • Model
  • Body Type
  • Fuel
  • Weight & axles (for trucks and heavier vehicles)
  • Odometer disclosure

On the second page of this form, you’ll be required to notate all major parts of the vehicle that were repaired, the type of salvage vehicle you are titling, and itemize all body repairs. Your MV907A form should tell you what type of salvage your vehicle is considered:

  • Recovered stolen with no damage
  • Recovered stolen (with damage)
  • Collision loss
  • Flood damage
  • Unknown
  • Other

Repairs and receipts

For every salvage vehicle, the insurance claim will record the major components that need to be replaced prior to inspection. In order to pass the New York salvage inspection, all of the repairs completed must match the insurance claim. If parts have not been replaced in accordance with the insurance claim, the vehicle will be rejected. Additionally, you must keep all receipts from parts you’ve used as replacements for your vehicle. At the time of your inspection, you must present all original receipts to the inspector and/or ownership documents for any of the items replaced. The receipts and/or ownership documents must present the vehicle identification number (VIN) of the vehicle that the parts were taken. The reason for this is to prevent a vehicle from being rebuilt with faulty or unsafe vehicle parts from previously damaged vehicles.

Salvage Title Checklist

The New York DMV has provided a checklist to avoid rejection of your application for a vehicle title. To ensure your application is approved, make sure all required forms are included and properly signed:

  • Salvage Examination/Title Application (MV83SAL)
  • Proof of ownership (original title, out-of-state title, marshal’s sale, police bill of sale, garageman lien, MV907A form, owner-retained salvage, or DMV letter)*
  • Original bill of sale and/or dealer reassignment (if applicable)
  • Form FS-6T or MV-50 for Proof of Sales Tax
  • Original lien or lien release (if applicable)
  • Proof of identity (individual, corporation, or partnership)
  • Check or money order with the correct fee

*When proof of ownership is submitted, it will not be returned.

Once you’ve gathered all of the required documents and receipts, mail your New York Salvage Examination/Title Application to the Auto Theft & Salvage Unit to set up an appointment for the inspection. The Division of Field Investigation will notify you of the date, time, and address of your appointment.

If you’re using the MV907A form, you must complete the salvage inspection process in order to obtain a title. New York’s laws regarding salvage title inspections are so strict, that other states include in their statutes that if someone has an MV907A from New York, no other state can do anything about it. The only way to get a title for a vehicle if it’s been issued an MV907A in New York is to go through the salvage inspection process in the state. This form does not transfer to any of the other 50 states and if it’s received by another state DMV, they are not permitted to do anything with it.

Even though New York is notorious for strict salvage vehicle inspection laws, they still provide the ability to get a title for a salvage vehicle. If you’re looking to purchase a salvage vehicle, make sure to do your research and homework on the vehicle before making your decision.

Looking for assistance with your salvage vehicle? Our partners at can help you get a title for a salvage vehicle.×60.png

What To Do When Your Car Title is Signed In The Wrong Spot

What do you do when your car title is signed in the wrong spot? It’s a common scenario: You bought a car from a private seller and now you’re in the process of transferring its title and registration over to you. But when you take a closer look at the signed title, you realize something is not right. The seller of your vehicle accidentally signed it in the wrong spot. Now what?

The certificate of title (also known as the “pink slip”) is a legal document that indicates the vehicle’s owner. If your car title is signed in the wrong spot, the DMV will consider it to be invalid. It is important to have a title that is free of errors; otherwise, this can cause major problems for you when attempting to sell or register your vehicle. If you purchased a vehicle and realize the seller signed the prior title in the wrong spot, there are two possible ways to fix this:

Tip #1: Take it to the DMV as-is, do not try to correct the mistake

Do not try to correct the mistake yourself. It’s best to take the title as it is back to the DMV and see if they will accept it. Depending on the reason why your signature is in the wrong spot, they may still accept it and process your title transfer. If you have made other corrections to the title, such as crossing out incorrect information or adding notes to indicate that information was missing when you received it, your title may be rejected even if everything else is filled out correctly.

Tip #2: Ask the seller for a duplicate title

Try contacting the seller to get you a duplicate title. This is the easiest way to go about it. The seller will have more success in getting a duplicate title since they’re still listed as the owner of the car and they have all of their identification readily available. If you’re having problems getting the seller to help you, try completing the paperwork for them so all they have to do is sign the duplicate title application. Remember, only the seller can apply for a duplicate title since the prior title has not yet been transferred to your name.

Make sure you check your car title for errors before signing it. It’s incredibly easy to make mistakes at this step in the car title transfer process, so don’t make the same mistake that countless other drivers have made before you. Once you sign on the wrong line and have a hassle on your hands to deal with, it can be difficult to ever make things right again. Remember, if you wait too long to fix your car title error, you could end up having problems later on down the road.

How Do You Write A Bill Of Sale For A Car?

If you’re planning to sell your car or vehicle, how do you write a bill of sale to accurately describe the transaction?

A bill of sale for a car is proof of the transaction. The bill of sale is a written agreement between buyer and seller to transfer ownership of a vehicle. It’s an important legal document that can protect both buyer and seller. If you’re selling your car, it’s wise to have the bill of sale on hand. If you’re buying a used car, you’ll need the bill of sale before you can register the vehicle in your state.

How to write a bill of sale

Most states do not have an official bill of sale document required for private vehicle transactions. It is up to you, the seller and buyer, to ensure that your bill of sale not only is part of the transaction but includes the following nine components:

  1. Date of purchase – what day did the vehicle transaction take place?
  2. Name of the seller – who is the seller/current titleholder?
  3. The seller’s signature – the signature of the current titleholder*
  4. Name of the buyer – who is purchasing the vehicle?
  5. Vehicle identification number (VIN) – VINs, after 1981 are typically 17 characters, VINs prior to 1981, may have fewer characters.
  6. Vehicle make – Ford, Subaru, Toyota, Dodge, Honda, etc.
  7. Vehicle model – Focus, Forester, Camry, Dakoda, Civic, etc.
  8. Model year – what year what the vehicle made?
  9. Odometer statement – how many miles are on the odometer at the time of the transaction?

*Only the current titleholder or power of attorney for the titleholder is permitted to sign the bill of sale.

Special requirements for a bill of sale

In most states, a bill of sale that includes the nine components above is generally accepted by the state’s DMV office. However, there are 5 states that require your bill of sale to be notarized by a public notary to be valid. The states that require a notarized bill of sale are Maryland, Nebraska, West Virginia, Montana, and New Hampshire.

Are you looking for a free PDF download bill of sale for a car or motor vehicle? Check out for more information about bills of sale and to get your free vehicle bill of sale download.

Download a FREE Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale template!×300.pngBill of Sale without Notary Space×300.pngBill of Sale with Notary Space

Want a professional to do it for you?

For as little as $159 for most processes, we will save you the headache and prepare all of the car title paperwork needed to get you a new title. Simply choose the title recovery method you’d like to use and we’ll get started!

Select your title recovery method:

Order Vermont Title LoopholeOrder Deceased Owner Title TransferOrder Bonded Title ProcessOrder Abandoned Vehicle ProcessOrder Prior Owner ContactOrder Lien Release Request LetterPGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmFjdWl0eXNjaGVkdWxpbmcuY29tL3NjaGVkdWxlLnBocD9vd25lcj0xOTQ4ODEyNiZhcHBvaW50bWVudFR5cGU9MjMwNjY0MTAiIHRpdGxlPSJTY2hlZHVsZSBBcHBvaW50bWVudCIgd2lkdGg9IjEwMCUiIGhlaWdodD0iODAwIiBmcmFtZUJvcmRlcj0iMCI+PC9pZnJhbWU+PHNjcmlwdCBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vZW1iZWQuYWN1aXR5c2NoZWR1bGluZy5jb20vanMvZW1iZWQuanMiIHR5cGU9InRleHQvamF2YXNjcmlwdCI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+

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