Home » Articles » Titles » What Is A Letter Of Non-Interest?
If you have a lien on your vehicle title that is old or is from the previous owner, you’ll want to get the lien released from the lender. When a lien is too old, or wasn’t yours, to begin with, the lender will not provide a lien release letter because the lien might not be paid off. Instead, you’ll want to send the lender a letter of non-interest.
A letter of non-interest is used by a lender to inform you that they no longer hold any security interest in your vehicle. A letter of non-interest is typically used when a traditional lien release letter is not applicable.
There are a variety of reasons why a lender may no longer have a security interest in your vehicle, those reasons may be:
Ideally, when requesting a lien release from your lender, you should also request a letter of non-interest. If the lender was bought out and the new company is not able to access your specific records to give you a lien release, they may not get it back to you. When requesting a lien release, always send or request a letter of non-interest just in case.
When it comes to a lien release, a letter of non-interest from your lender is typically sufficient for the DMV to remove the lien from your title.
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