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Why Is It So Hard To Get A Title From The DMV?

Waiting in Line at the DMV
So do you hate the DMV? Well, imagine these people waiting in line at 2 a.m. Waiting in line over one hundred people. This is in Broward County, Florida. This was posted on social media—pictures of these people just sitting, waiting in the dark to try to get the DMV to get a title, to get a registration, to get a license. And it says in this caption they only accept the first 50 people, and there are over 100 people in this line. So anything you can do to avoid waiting in line.

Alternatives to Visiting the DMV
The DMV is good. Try to do it by mail. Try to do it online. Try to do it maybe with a service. But if you’re looking to get something at the DMV, going in person, waiting in line is the last thing you want to do.

Challenges with Contacting the DMV
And as you probably already found out, you’re not going to get anybody on the phone when you call them. So don’t try to call them up either because they don’t have customer service at the DMV.

Considering Other Options
So this is just another example of why the DMV is tough to deal with and why you might want to look at alternatives to going down in person and torturing yourself with all the people at 2 a.m. in the morning.

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