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Mechanics Liens & Abandoned Vehicles Under Attack

Difficulties Faced by Towing Companies in Handling Abandoned Vehicles and Mechanics Liens
So how hard is it for towing companies to get abandoned vehicle mechanics lean well so hard that they have to pass a new law that says tow companies can take your license plate off your car. You might think that well if you tow a car you should just be able to auction it off or do an abandoned vehicle.

The Problem with Fraud in Mechanics Liens and Abandoned Vehicles
Well here’s the problem: there was so much fraud with abandoned vehicle and mechanics lean applications that all 50 states DMV departments have cracked down on mechanics leans and abandoned vehicles. A lot of people were using that process as a way to get titles for vehicles they weren’t supposed to have titles for or that they should have used some other process. So many states shut down their entire mechanics lean and abandoned vehicle processing.

Legislative Changes in Response to Legitimate Needs
So in some states, this happens to be in Oklahoma, they have to pass a law to let the legitimate towing companies do something to be able to get their money back because these cars are piling up on the lots.

Challenges Faced by Towing Companies and Automotive Professionals
We work with dozens and dozens of towing companies and Automotive professionals and they tell us all the time that all of their mechanics lean applications are rejected and kicked back for very small details and technicalities because the state really doesn’t want to give them out. They know there’s a lot of fraud going on. There are people on Craigslist online on these scam websites offering to do mechanics leans to get you a title when really that’s not what happened to the vehicle.

Precautions and Potential Rejections
So before you think about Abandoned, before you think about mechanics lean, make sure that you look into the details. It’s very likely that your application will get rejected. States are doing it all the time and they might even flag the applicant to be investigated to make sure they’re not flipping cars or doing a whole bunch of these fraudulent mechanics liens or abandoned vehicles.

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