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Exporting Vehicles and Title RequirementsIf you’re looking for a title for your vehicle, it may be because you’re wanting to export the vehicle, and the export process requires that you present a title or other ownership documents. The export requirements are often different from the requirements for getting a new title.
Differing Requirements for ExportIn fact, the DMV has different requirements than things like customs, freight forwarders, or other government agencies that restrict the export of vehicles. One thing to look at is: are you the shipper or the owner? If you’re the owner of the vehicle, that means the title is in your name. If you are the shipper or the shipping company, sometimes you may not be the owner but are shipping the vehicle at the owner’s request. Those are two different things, and the documentation might be different, or you might need the owner to become involved if you’re the shipper.
Case Study: Insufficient DocumentationWe had a case today where we talked to somebody on the phone who actually had a vehicle that was in the US that had been shipped back from China. They tried to ship it from here to China. It made it on the boat from the US, got to China, and the Chinese government would not let it come off the boat because the documentation was insufficient. So it had to come all the way back, come off the boat, and now it’s back in the US pending title clarification and the right documents.
Preparing Before Going to the PortMake sure you fix these problems before you even go to the port. Even if you have the vehicle not on the boat, if it’s at the port waiting for you to fix a title, it’s costing money for storage at the port. You also don’t have control of the vehicle. It can get damaged if it sits for three months without being started or run. It could have other mechanical problems. So make sure you have all the title paperwork cleared up, correct, and in your hands before you even bring it to the port facility.
Customs and title requirementsCustoms is your first obstacle. Even if you try to ship a car as parts only without a title, customs will get involved with a vehicle or even major component parts of a vehicle because they’re trying to prevent stolen vehicles and stolen parts from being exported where you may not need the same type of titling requirements.
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