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If you’re planning to sell your car or vehicle, how do you write a bill of sale to accurately describe the transaction?
A bill of sale for a car is proof of the transaction. The bill of sale is a written agreement between buyer and seller to transfer ownership of a vehicle. It’s an important legal document that can protect both buyer and seller. If you’re selling your car, it’s wise to have the bill of sale on hand. If you’re buying a used car, you’ll need the bill of sale before you can register the vehicle in your state.
Most states do not have an official bill of sale document required for private vehicle transactions. It is up to you, the seller and buyer, to ensure that your bill of sale not only is part of the transaction but includes the following nine components:
*Only the current titleholder or power of attorney for the titleholder is permitted to sign the bill of sale.
In most states, a bill of sale that includes the nine components above is generally accepted by the state’s DMV office. However, there are 5 states that require your bill of sale to be notarized by a public notary to be valid. The states that require a notarized bill of sale are Maryland, Nebraska, West Virginia, Montana, and New Hampshire.
Are you looking for a free PDF download bill of sale for a car or motor vehicle? Check out OnlineBillOfSale.com for more information about bills of sale and to get your free vehicle bill of sale download.
https://cartitles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/free-bill-of-sale-download-240×300.pngBill of Sale without Notary Spacehttps://cartitles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/bill-of-sale-free-download-pdf-240×300.pngBill of Sale with Notary Space
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