Home » Articles » Titles » Florida Duplicate Title: Instructions & Application
If your vehicle was last titled in Florida and the certificate of title is lost, damaged, or stolen, you may be eligible to get a Florida duplicate title. This article will explain how to apply for a duplicate title in Florida, provide a link to download the official application form, and include information about fees and state requirements.
If your vehicle was last titled in Florida and you were the last recorded owner on the title record, you are eligible to apply for a Florida duplicate title. To obtain a title for a vehicle where you were not the last titled owner, consider an alternative method of title recovery.
When applying for a Florida duplicate title, there are three types of duplicate titles that can be requested:
This application is designated for lost, stolen, or damaged titles. If damaged, the original damaged certificate of title must be submitted. If lost or stolen, an indication of this is required.
This application is designated for titles that have been lost in mailing. No fee will be required if the application is made within 180 days of the last title issuance date.
This application is designated for titles that will be immediately transferred to another owner upon issuance. Both parties must be present for this application and photo IDs are required.
Step 1: Complete the Application for Duplicate or Lost in Transit/Reassignment for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, or Vessel Title Certificate (HSMV 82101). Complete this form in its entirety, falsification or misrepresentation of facts is considered a crime.
Download Florida Duplicate Title Application (HSMV 82101)
Step 2: Gather the necessary documents and fees:
Fees for tax and title
Florida duplicate titles are issued electronically unless otherwise specified. The duplicate title issuance fee is $75.25. If you’d prefer your title printed rather than delivered electronically, there is an additional $2.50 printing fee.
Step 3: Locate the closest county tax collector’s office to your location. Florida duplicate title applications can be mailed or brought to the county tax collector’s office in person. Submit the documents and fees from Step 2 to the county tax collector. Within 5 days of submission, a duplicate title will be issued and mailed to you. Original titles located after the duplicate has been issued will void the original title.
A Florida duplicate title is a great option to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged title. The vehicle title is the most significant document for your vehicle, and it’s important to have a current and valid vehicle title at all times. If it’s your car, you deserve a title in your name.
Want a CarTitles.com professional to do it for you?
For as little as $159 for most processes, we will save you the headache and prepare all of the car title paperwork needed to get you a new title. Simply choose the title recovery method you’d like to use and we’ll get started!
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