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Will The Vermont Loophole Be Rejected?

Awareness of the Vermont Loophole
Before you start the process of using the so-called Vermont loophole in order to get a vehicle title, be aware that you may have a problem switching that Vermont registration over to your state. And why is that? Well, first of all, the document you get from Vermont is not a title; it’s a registration, not a title, and it’s going to have your name and address on it in the state where you live. It won’t have a Vermont address; it’ll have your name and address on it, let’s say, in Indiana, wherever you live. Now, what you’re, in theory, going to do is you’re going to bring that to your state to say, “Look, this is my ownership proof. I want to get a title.”

Potential Issues with State DMVs
Most of the time, that’s going to work. However, if the particular agent, the office, the location, or even your entire State DMV is suspicious of this because, “Wait, you have a vehicle that you just got a registration for a month ago. You live in this state where you’re getting the title. You don’t live in Vermont, and this vehicle was not last titled in Vermont,” they’re going to put a red flag, and they may do some other research. It may turn out that you get your title, but it also may turn out that they make you jump through a bunch of hoops, give you a hard time, and reject it. There are some states that just flat out reject it. Those states usually rotate, meaning that there’s usually two or three states that, at any given time, reject them, and then later on they change their mind, but then another couple of states do it.

Historical Rejections by States
For example, last year, there were signs in the Indiana DMV right on the window that said, “We don’t accept Vermont registrations, period.” Those signs are now gone. There was a time when the state of Hawaii just flat-out rejected them; now they accept them. Recently, there were reports that the state of Florida didn’t reject them, but they said if you have a Vermont registration, you have to have these other documents.

Challenges in Verifying Acceptance
Now, a lot of times you might think, “Well, can I find out in advance if my state’s going to accept it?” Well, the problem with that is even if you ask a representative or an agent or a clerk at the window of your DMV, “Hey, can I bring you a Vermont registration and get me a title?” that’s all hypothetical. The person you talked to on that day may not know the answer to the question. They might say, “No, it has to be a title,” when in fact it would have worked, or they might say, “Yeah, no problem. If it comes from another state, we’ll do it,” but then when you actually bring them the registration two weeks later or three weeks later, there might be a different person, or they might have a different policy. So, you’re not going to know in advance; you just have to try if you want to go that route.

Importance of Proper Documentation
When you try, you want to make sure you have all the paperwork done correctly. For example, like we mentioned, in Florida, they require extra documentation to get a title in Florida if you’re bringing them a Vermont registration. If you bring them something from any other state, it flies right through. Bring it from Vermont, they put extra scrutiny on it because they even use the word fraud. They have a bulletin that says, “We’re worried about people using this Vermont registration for fraud,” right? Because some people do.

DMV Skepticism
So, you want to make sure that you recognize that any DMV is going to be skeptical of a Vermont registration because they know the deal. This loophole is not a secret. If you know about it, the DMV knows about it. This has been going on for 20 years, so any DMV that sees it, they’re going to say, “Wait a minute. Let’s take an extra look at this.” Do you want to use a process that’s going to make the DMV even have more scrutiny on your file? As you know, the DMV is a government agency; there’s bureaucracy there. It’s already hard enough to get a title. Do you want to make it harder by bringing them something that they’re going to be suspicious of?

Alternative Methods
The reason I say that is because there are other methods you can use to get a title. Our website lists them all out. You may look at all those and still say, “Well, I want to do Vermont anyways.” That’s fine, but don’t disregard the other methods just because you think Vermont is a magic bullet that’s going to fly right through. The states that get Vermont registrations very frequently will put extra attention on your file because they think you might be trying to avoid something by going to another state. They’re going to look at your registration and say, “Look, you live in Texas. You have a Texas license, Texas address. This vehicle is from Texas. Why did you suddenly get a Vermont registration and then bring it right back? It doesn’t make any sense. There must be something else going on.” So, they might do some extra research, and whether or not that’s something you want to do, that’s up to you, but be aware there’s other methods that might be more direct, that might be more straightforward.

Vermont Sales Tax Consideration
Also, don’t forget the fact that if you go through Vermont, you have to pay Vermont sales tax, which is a big, big bill because they base it on full retail book value, and your car might not be retail condition. It doesn’t matter; they’re still going to charge you retail book value, and that expense you have to factor in as well. So, the Vermont process is notorious and famous, and people do it all the time, but don’t jump right into it just because that’s the only thing you’ve heard of. Do your research, be an informed consumer, use our website as a free consumer resource, and that way you won’t get forced into doing something that might not be in your best interest in the long run.

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$1000 Car Payments Are The New Normal

High Car Payments: A New Norm?
You can sleep in your car but you can’t drive your house — why would somebody pay a thousand dollars a month for a car payment? Do you have a thousand dollar car payment? Let us know in the comments what you think about a thousand dollars a month for a car payment.

Rising Costs and Long-Term Loans
According to Axios, thousand dollar car payments are very common now. Car payments look like mortgage payments. Well, that’s not true. They look like what mortgage payments used to look like. Now, mortgage payments are three thousand dollars, not one thousand, because the interest rates and the prices are higher.

Increasing Percentage of High Payments
According to the article, twelve percent of buyers who finance their new vehicles in June have payments of at least a thousand dollars. That’s up from seven percent in ’21 and 4.6 percent in 2019. Look, that’s double just in two and a half or three years. And we’re talking about long-term loans — 36 percent of borrowers had loans 73 to 84 months. That’s six, seven years. Gone are the days of three or four-year car loans because new car vehicle prices are averaging forty-seven thousand dollars.

Understanding the Math Behind High Payments
So why are car payments that high? How do you get to a thousand dollars a month? Well, it’s not that hard. If you want to calculate the payment on a motor vehicle, use the number two. Use a factor of two. What does that mean? Whatever you’re borrowing, whatever the car cost, multiply that number times two, and that’s your car payment. So if you have a fifty thousand dollar car, times two is a hundred thousand. Take the first four numbers — that’s a thousand. That’s it. You can figure out a car payment on any car very quickly.

Considerations on Affordability
Now, that’s figuring about a five percent interest rate on a five-year loan. So if you’re doing longer terms, the payment might be a little lower, or if the interest rate’s higher, might be a little higher. But the easy way to make a car payment is times two. Just multiply times two.

Moral and Financial Questions
So a thousand dollars a month really isn’t that surprising if cars are fifty grand. A fifty thousand dollar car is gonna have a thousand dollar car payment for five years. The question is, now that’s just the math part, that’s not the right or wrong part. The question is, is that right or wrong? Should you be spending a thousand dollars a month on a car payment?

Comparing Costs: Car vs. Home
Well, in order to have a thousand dollars take home, you probably need to make 1400 before taxes a month just for that car payment. Right? That’s 350 a week just for your car payment. That doesn’t account for insurance, gas, taxes, any other things that go into it. For most people, by the time you add up all the expenses for a new car, you could be talking two grand a month by the time you figure insurance, taxes, and gas for that car, or close to it. It’s a lot of money.

Shift in Economic Reality
How does that compare to a mortgage? Well, a mortgage payment on a house in 2017, an average house was two hundred, two hundred and fifty thousand with a three percent mortgage, you could be a thousand dollars a month for a house a few years ago. Now, you’re probably going to be twenty-five hundred a month for a house. But in three short years, four short years, a thousand dollars went from buying you a house to live in to a car. That’s a significant difference.

Financial Strategy: Old vs. New Cars
What does that mean? Well, if you have an older car that has no car payment, you’re saving a lot of money. You might be saving fifteen, twenty thousand a year. You might have to spend a little more on maintenance, but as long as it’s a pretty reliable car, may not be the worst thing in the world. What about if you have a car with an existing payment that’s three hundred or four hundred or five hundred? You might want to hang on to that car because when you trade it in to get a new car, you could be facing a thousand dollars.

Engagement and Feedback
What are your thoughts? We’d love to hear your comments about what is your reaction to seeing a thousand dollars a month. Have you shopped for a car lately? Have you seen thousand dollar car payments? You know, it used to be that you saw ads on TV and in the newspaper for car dealers advertising no money down, one ninety-nine a month, no money down, two hundred a month, whatever for a car. Those days are gone.

Market Realities and Consumer Accessibility
And they would have thousands, hundreds of cars on the lot. Now there’s not cars in a lot. What most people say is that although there appears to be a steady stream of affluent consumers, most consumers, the new car market is growing increasingly out of reach for most consumers. The new car market is out of reach. Same thing with houses. Who would have thought that a new car was out of reach for most consumers? That means used cars are the wave of the future. Maybe electric cars.

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Automotive Industry Shocking Developments – Pricing & Availability

Inventory Woes in the New Car Market
As you probably know, there’s a lot going on in the automotive industry. Both new cars and used cars have a lot of changes going on. We’re going to talk about all of them. We’re going to talk about some wild price swings on vehicles and also some changes in the new car market and even the electric vehicle market, something that’s been overlooked.

New Cars: Inventory Crisis Deepens
First, with new cars, it’s getting worse with inventory. Look, you know a few months ago, beginning of the year, even last year, there was talk about does a chip shortage and inventory for new car dealers is less than it was. You probably have been driving by all of the new car dealers in your area and seeing empty lots or if you do see cars, if you look closely, they’re probably used cars, not new cars. Many large-scale new car dealers are down to single digit cars.

Severe Shortages and High Demand
Here’s an article where a major Chevy dealer used to have 80 cars on a lot, then it went down to 40 or 50. Now today, we have five according to the general manager of that dealership. And this is just not from this article; we talk to dealers every day. A lot of our clients are major dealers. We have a large-scale car dealership client in Fort Worth, Texas. They used to keep 250 to 300 cars on their lot. Now they have none. Every car that comes in is delivered the same day.

Slim Pickings: Impact on Consumer Choice
If you want to go to that dealership to see cars, they’re not going to be there. New car dealers are short on cars. We have a client that we’re working with that’s looking to get a certain type of minivan, a Chrysler Pacifica minivan hybrid, and in their area within a 300-mile radius, there is one Chrysler Pacifica hybrid minivan. That one is pre-sold. In addition, the factory that builds them is shut down for a month and a half. New car inventory is thin and getting thinner.

Used Cars: Prices and Market Dynamics
What about used cars? Well, used cars, a different story. This article talks about home prices going up, but car values are set to fall, and this is used cars. Used cars are dropping like a stone. Here’s why: for the last six or eight months, many people who wanted to buy a new car weren’t able to find one, so they bought used. Some of these used cars were selling for more than what they did brand new two or three years old.

Unprecedented Price Fluctuations
Some dealers are actually raising prices of used cars that are sitting on their lot. It used to be that used cars depreciated over time. Every week or every month, the new book value came out, and it was less than it was the last book. Some of these cars are going up in value. And if you watch the auction results, Mannheim Odessa, the major auctions, some cars are selling for more than they did even a month or two before. When the dealership sees that the car under a lot is there selling for more, they might mark it up, not marking down cars like they used to, but marking them up over time.

Changing Market Dynamics
That’s all changing. There are big volumes of repossessed vehicles starting to hit the marketplace. More cars that are non-fuel efficient are going down in value: SUVs, larger trucks because of the gas price inflation is starting to create demand destruction. Meaning that as people spend more money on gas for their car, groceries, rent is going up, they have less money to spend on vehicles. So more expensive vehicles or extra vehicles are not being purchased, right?

Electric Vehicles: New Entrants and Market Reception
What about electric vehicles? Well, there’s a new company called VinFast. It’s a Vietnamese startup that has electric vehicle crossovers. They’re going to start their first showrooms in California. 24 more stores open by the end of 22. So they’re going to have close to 30 dealerships by the end of this year and develop rapidly. They’re targeting high-volume production as well.

The Future of Electric Vehicles
What are your thoughts on electric vehicles? Is this the wave of the future? Is it a fad? Is it something you’re interested in? If that was the only new vehicle that you could get, would you buy one? An electric vehicle in general or a new car company in particular? Or do you want to wait to see, are their vehicles going to be any good? Are they going to be reliable? Are they going to break down? Have you even heard of this company VinFast? If you’re in California, do you see where they’re constructing one of these showrooms?

Conclusion: Industry Challenges and Opportunities
The car business is probably right now at a historic moment in things changing in dynamic results of the industry. New cars are in shorter supply ever in history, used cars prices are dropping like a stone, and electric vehicles are having new offerings. Here’s something else about new cars: there’s an old joke back in the days of Soviet Russia, the USSR, that if you bought a car, you might have to wait two years to get a new car, three years to get a new car if you ordered one.

Looking Ahead: Adaptation and Uncertainty
And that used to be an unbelievably kind of fantasy joke that nobody could understand like how could you wait that long? Well, here in the US, many types of cars, if you want to order one, might be a five or six-month wait. It’s not three years, but it’s also not a week or two. Call up any of your local dealers and ask them if you were going to order a new car, how long would it take? Whatever they tell you, take it with a grain of salt, add a little bit because they might give you a shorter optimistic number. But for most vehicles, if you get an honest answer, it’s five or six months and it could end up being longer.

Closing Thoughts and Engagement
The chip shortage excuse is no longer really an excuse. It’s more the companies are ramping down production because that’s the new business model for dealerships is to not have inventory. Let us know what you think in the comments. We’ll see in the next video episode.

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Vermont Title Loophole Facts: Tax & Residency

Today we’re going to talk about the very popular Vermont registration title process that many people use in all parts of the country to get valid ownership documents for their vehicle. A lot of questions come up about this. Do you have to be a resident of Vermont? What paperwork do you need? What about taxes? These are very common questions, and we’re going to look at all those and we’re going to get the information directly from the Vermont DMV.

Getting Information from Vermont DMV
So, we’re going to get it from the horse’s mouth like they say. We’re not going to use any kind of urban legends or old wives’ tales or anything that you might hear online. We’re going to get it right from the Vermont DMV. First, we’re going to look at the FAQ page on the official Vermont Government website.

FAQ Page on Vermont Government Website
Can someone else fill out the registration form for me? Yes, someone else can complete it but you have to sign it. Application must be signed by the owners of the applicant, that’s you.
How long do I have to get inspected? Well, inspection is only for newer vehicles, so it doesn’t really count as far as older vehicles.
Do I have to be a Vermont registered resident to register a vehicle in Vermont? No, anyone can register a vehicle in Vermont. That’s key.
Do I need a Vermont license to register? No, anyone can register a vehicle. Notice the answer is the same. So don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. As of right now, you can register as a non-resident.

Required Documents
Now, what paperwork are you going to need? Well, we’re going to use their required document wizard. What do you need to have? It also tells you completing your forms prior to coming to the DMV makes it easier. Now, if you’re from another state, you’re not going to go to DMV, you’re going to do it by mail.

Types of Vehicles and Eligibility
First, it’s going to tell you what type of vehicle do you have? Auto, Truck, motorcycle. So we’re going to put in Auto. The answers are going to be pretty much the same. Next is most important question is your auto 15 years or newer? 15 years or newer? This Vermont process is for vehicles that are 15 years or older. So if you have right now a 2008 model or older, that’s what’s designed to be used for this process. So remember, 15 years and older is what this process is for. So this question asks you is your vehicle 15 years or newer?

Required Documentation
No, what do you need? Well, there’s no other questions, required documentation. Please complete the forms, VD119, VT005, fill in these sections, and either bring or mail the form to the Department of Motor Vehicles. That’s it, end of story. There are no more questions, no more questionnaires, right? So it’s very simple, you have to fill out the forms properly because we talked to Vermont DMV very frequently, and they tell us all the time that there are common errors people make on these forms. So make sure you fill it in right, but that’s all you need, required documentation, complete the forms.

Bill of Sale and Required Fees
Now, one of those sections is about a bill of sale. You need to have a bill of sale for this, so make sure you do that.

Taxes and Fees
Required fees:
What fees will be due, taxes is what people ask about. How much tax do I have to pay? Well, let’s see what Vermont says about that. Here’s their page on taxes, official government website. Purchase and use tax is due at the time of registration. It’s a percentage of the purchase price or NADA clean trading value, whichever is greater, minus the value of a trade-in, which normally doesn’t apply because you’re not buying it from a dealer, you’re not trading in a vehicle. So, this is where people kind of get a little bit anxious.

Tax Rates and Options
Well, NADA, it seems like it’s too much money. Well, maybe it is, maybe it’s not. However, you have a few options. It says NADA clean Book value is due and less exempt. We have a couple options. First of all, their website says NADA clean trade and Book value. However, the Vermont statutes, the actual laws on the books, tell you that you can use some other value guides if they’re accepted on some older vehicles, on some trucks, on some alternate vehicles. You can use other guides. Now, NADA still might be less, but you can look at the other guides if you believe the vehicle’s value is less than NADA value, you can submit an appraisal form. Well, that’s one of the things that we prepare a lot for our clients, is this appraisal form because they want to come in with a lower value. So be aware, you can do that.

Tax Credits and Special Vehicles
Then you have some other options. If you are claiming a tax credit for a vehicle registered to you out of state, send a copy of the registration certificate. This normally doesn’t apply, but you may have already paid some taxes for this vehicle that you get a credit for. And here’s your tax rates. Tax rate basically is 6 percent across the board, except for short-term vehicle rental, which is 9 percent, but everything, ATV, auto, boat, motorcycle, motorhome, trucks, 10,000 pounds in over or under, all other vehicles, everything is 6 percent.

Special Vehicles and Maximum Tax
Now, there’s a couple things from this table which are very, very helpful. First of all, on some larger vehicles, 10,000 pounds or more, or other vehicles which are, you know, kind of specialty vehicles, there’s a maximum tax of $2,000. So you might max out your taxes.

Conclusion and Additional Information
Also, it tells you what type of vehicles you can register. People ask all the time, can I do an ATV? Yep, it’s right here on the classification. Motorboat? Yep, you can do that too. Now, you notice it says motorboat, it’s not kayak, canoe, gotta have a motor. Motorcycles? Yep. Motorhomes? Yep. Trucks, doesn’t matter if it’s above 10,000 pounds, 10,100 actually, you can register it. The taxes where people get tripped up, you may believe that your vehicle is not worth that much and you don’t want to pay that much tax. You have two options. You can fill out the Vermont appraisal form or you can look at another title method that’s not through Vermont that maybe doesn’t have tax. So if you want to use the Vermont method, you have to pay them their tax. Their law says you have to use book value. If you don’t think you feel like you want to pay book value, that’s fine. Look at another method. Maybe buy the title, maybe lean title, maybe magistrate title. There’s other methods. You’ll see them on our website that maybe don’t have taxes, but they may have something else you don’t like or use the Vermont appraisal form, which we provide when we do the order. Vermont can make it their determination. Maybe your vehicle is worth less than the book value.

Additional Instructions and Limitations
So that’s an overview of the Vermont process as of December 2022. We’re doing this in advance of 2023. Remember that there’s other instructions you need to follow. You need to have a bill of sale. You need to have a proper vehicle. You can’t have one that’s salvage or parts only or junk or things like that. You have to have a legitimate vehicle. And there’s other limitations we’re going to talk about in another video about military vehicles, these former military surplus vehicles that are now something that could be a problem for some applicants. Hopefully, that helps. Check out our website, we’re glad to be of assistance.

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Automotive Media Content

Hello, if your organization needs professional content with regard to automotive documentation and automotive expertise, our company Title Assets can provide content for your website, your blog, even for your videos in a multiple of media formats.

Expertise in Automotive Titling and Documentation
We have experts that are trained in automotive titling and automotive documentation. We can describe processes for your viewers or your visitors such as what you see on screen for vehicle title documents.

VIN Decoding and Verification
We also have the ability to discuss subjects such as VIN decoding or VIN verification.

Licensed Insurance Brokerage Services
We have a division that is a licensed insurance brokerage, so we can discuss things like deck pages or insurance coverages on classic cars. One of the things that happens on classic cars in many cases has to do with vehicle documentation, and we have divisions that can handle that as well.

Content for Various Media Formats
So whether you need a blog post, a newsletter, or video content for your website or for a YouTube channel, feel free to reach out to us. We’re glad to provide free content, whether it’s branded or otherwise, for our partners that have media companies or publications that need an expert that’s documented in the area of automotive documentation, automotive titling, or insurance that might be of value to your viewers or to the readers of your various media publications.

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