Sophisticated Car Title ScamsCar title scams are getting much, much more sophisticated. Be very wary if you’re purchasing a used vehicle from a private seller like on Craigslist or Facebook. Scammers are using new techniques to sell a car four or five times over, collecting the same money from different people for one car without facing consequences.
The Colorado and Texas CaseHere’s how this one worked, and this is becoming more common. The victim was from Colorado, and the vehicle was sold in Texas. The scammer put a car on Facebook Marketplace, where many private sales take place. The buyer flew from Colorado to Houston, met a real person, got the title, and paid cash for the truck. The seller only had one key fob, which seemed like no big deal since people often lose keys.
Issues at the Recorder’s OfficeThe buyer went to the recorder’s office in their county in Colorado to get the title transferred, but the recorder said something seemed off about the title. The VIN numbers on the vehicle—in the doors, on the dash, and under the hood—all matched the title. The name on the title came back to a real person, and the license plates matched. However, a detective noticed the title had been washed.
What is a Washed Title?When a title is washed, a person uses chemicals to remove some of the letters and numbers and types in new ones. In this case, the title was actually for a different vehicle. The VIN number was altered to match the vehicle sold, but the actual vehicle was a parts-only car, a recovered theft. To make matters worse, a tracking device was hidden on the truck.
Tracking Devices and Repeated SalesThe tracking device allowed the scammer to track the vehicle, return to the buyer’s driveway, and steal the car to resell it again with another fake title. The buyer couldn’t report it stolen because they never had the car registered in their name. This scheme allows scammers to keep reselling the same vehicle repeatedly while collecting money.
Protect Yourself When Buying a Used CarWhen buying a vehicle from a private seller, always perform your due diligence. Have the title checked out by the DMV and ask the police to inspect the vehicle in person. Some sellers may resist, saying they’ll find another buyer. That’s fine—find another car. There are plenty of cars for sale.
Avoid Transactions Without a TitleNever buy a used car without getting a legitimate title at the time of purchase. If the seller promises to send the title later, apply for a duplicate, or rely on a bill of sale, don’t proceed. Without a legitimate title, you might never get the vehicle registered, no matter how much you paid.
Risks of Title IssuesIf a vehicle is stolen, has liens, or is a parts-only car, you’ll lose your money and won’t get a title. Even if you have a bill of sale or insurance, some vehicles are simply ineligible for a title due to their VIN history. Carfax and VIN checkers are not foolproof; they are consumer-level tools and cannot replace checks by the police, DMV, or NMVTIS.
The Importance of Government ChecksYou need to check three government sources to confirm a vehicle’s legitimacy: police for stolen vehicles, the DMV for liens, and NMVTIS for salvage status. If the vehicle isn’t legitimate, you won’t get a title. Though this issue affects 20-30% of transactions, losing tens of thousands of dollars isn’t worth the risk.
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Is there such a thing as a fake car title?A vehicle title is a legal government document issued only by a government agency. It’s a certificate printed by. In most states, the agency is called the Department of Motor Vehicle. Some states call it something else, and that’s an official document. It’s like money. It’s like any other certificate. You can’t buy one from a company. You can’t download one from the internet. A copy is no good. It’s kind of like a copy of a $100 bill isn’t worth anything. A copy of a title is also not worth anything. You need the original certificate, and there’s a lot of fakes going around.
Fraudulent Titles in OregonHere’s an article from Oregon where the DMV is warning that there’s a lot of fraudulent titles out there. They’re using Laser Printers and all kind of sophisticated printing technology to make a title certificate or a certificate of origin.
What is a Certificate of Origin?A certificate of origin is the original document. It’s like the birth certificate for a vehicle. It’s the ownership document that comes from the manufacturer from the factory. So when you buy a new Ford Mustang, Ford will make a certificate of origin for that Mustang at the factory where it’s built. Some scammers are making fake certificate of origin documents.
Verification of Legitimate TitlesHow do you verify that the title you’re getting is legitimate? The first thing you want to do is take that VIN number and go in person to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Don’t do it by phone. Don’t do it by email. Certainly don’t do any of these online VIN Checkers like Carfax or VIN check. They’re very low-level consumer based online database searches.
Limitations of Online VIN CheckersThey’re not entirely accurate. They don’t show anything about liens. Sometimes even the information on stolen cars isn’t there. The only 100% accurate vehicle records information comes from the government.
Additional Verification StepsAnother thing you want to do is take that VIN number in person to your local law enforcement agency. Police department Sheriff anybody with a badge and a gun and have them look it up in their system to see if it’s stolen.
Precautions When Handling TitlesProtect yourself from fake titles. Even if the seller is handing you a title, make sure it’s properly signed. Make sure that the name you see on the front of that title matches their ID.
Buying from Dealerships vs. Private SellersIf you buy a car from a dealership, before you give the money, have them show you the title. Private sellers actually can be a little more secure as long as you verify that title and make sure that the person you’re buying it from shows you their ID.
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