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Fraud in Kart Idling:Fraud in kart idling is an increasing problem from many aspects. A vehicle title is a document designed to prove ownership. It requires that official representations are made in applying for that document. These are government forms because the title is only issued by government agency.
Government Documents:You can’t buy one from a private company. It’s a government document like a birth certificate or a passport. It protects the rightful owners of the vehicle, the heirs, the lenders, anybody who has a claim against that car. If a vehicle title is issued without retaining those claims, meaning that you erase a lien holder, you transfer it from an owner or an heir does not get their proper representation, that’s theft by deception.
Theft by Deception:So if you’re making a statement on an application that’s not true, you’re stealing somebody’s claim without the proper representation. You never know who has claims on a vehicle. So if you don’t have that prior title and you don’t know the whole story, have to be very careful to make sure that as you’re representing that application for a new title in your name, that you do it correctly.
Importance of Proper Representation:Because without that prior title, you don’t know how your representations match the history of that vehicle.
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