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Car Titles Articles

Car Title Shortages Hitting The DMV’s Nationwide

As if the automotive industry didn’t have enough challenges with the ongoing supply chain disruptions, a new and unexpected obstacle has emerged—shortages in title paper. An article from The Wall Street Journal sheds light on this overlooked yet critical component affecting not only dealerships but also government agencies involved in vehicle transactions.

The Unseen Crisis: Shortage of Title Paper

The shortage of title paper may seem perplexing at first glance. After all, why can’t titles be printed on standard laser printers or readily available office paper? The answer lies in the unique nature of title documents. Unlike casual printouts, vehicle titles are printed on specialized security documents. These papers possess features akin to those found on currency or other secure documents, including watermarks, hidden security features, and woven color threads. The goal is to prevent forgery and duplication, given that a title is a legal instrument establishing vehicle ownership.

Implications for the Auto Industry and Beyond

The scarcity of title paper has far-reaching consequences for the automotive industry and individuals involved in vehicle transactions. Here are some key implications:

1. Delayed Title Issuance:

Dealerships and individuals applying for titles may face delays as the shortage of title paper hampers the ability to print these crucial documents promptly.

2. Impact on Vehicle Transactions:

The shortage affects not only the sale of new vehicles but also transactions involving used cars. The transfer of ownership or the release of liens may be slowed down due to the delay in obtaining physical titles.

3. Electronic Titles vs. Paper Titles:

While electronic titles are an option for newer vehicles, certain scenarios necessitate physical title documents. Transactions involving interstate transfers or those requiring the handover of a physical title to a buyer are particularly impacted.

4. Government Agencies Affected:

State DMVs (Department of Motor Vehicles) are grappling with the challenge of insufficient title paper. This, in turn, affects their ability to provide timely and essential services related to vehicle ownership.

The Unseen Struggles of the Supply Chain

This unexpected shortage emphasizes that supply chain challenges aren’t limited to tangible components like computer chips or batteries. The shortage of an invisible yet crucial element—title paper—reveals how interconnected and intricate the automotive supply chain truly is.

Navigating the Unforeseen Challenges

As the automotive industry continues to grapple with multifaceted supply chain disruptions, stakeholders must adapt to unforeseen challenges. Whether it’s the scarcity of title paper or other hidden hurdles, staying informed and finding innovative solutions are vital to overcoming these obstacles. The impact of the title paper shortage serves as a reminder that the complexities of the supply chain are both seen and unseen, requiring a resilient and adaptable approach from all involved parties.

More Fraud With Vehicle Titles

In a recent turn of events, Pennsylvania has become the center of attention for a massive auto title fraud scheme that has ensnared numerous individuals. The Attorney General’s office has unveiled a complex network of deceit involving 21 businesses, including car dealerships, notary and tag companies, and 30 individuals charged with auto title fraud.

The Alleged Scam: Forging Documents and Fraudulent Tactics

The core of this fraudulent activity revolved around forging documents and employing deceptive methods to acquire titles for vehicles that should not have been eligible for such documentation. The allegations span various fraudulent practices, including:

  1. Title Washing: Issuing titles for salvage vehicles without proper inspection by falsifying information.
  2. VIN Number Alteration: Changing Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) to avoid detection.
  3. Erasing Liens: Removing existing liens from vehicles, potentially putting hundreds of damaged or dangerous vehicles on the road.

The Consequences: Hundreds of Titles at Risk

The consequences of this scheme are dire, with hundreds, if not thousands, of titles now under scrutiny. Some titles may be revoked due to the fraudulent methods employed by the individuals and businesses involved.

Important Lessons: Avoiding Trouble in Title Transactions

This incident underscores the importance of exercising extreme caution when navigating the often complex process of obtaining a vehicle title. Here are some crucial lessons to learn:

1. Say No to Sketchy Deals:

Avoid paying anyone to acquire a title for you without understanding the process thoroughly. Sketchy title companies may promise quick results for a fee, but the repercussions can be severe.

2. Understand the Process:

If you seek assistance in obtaining a title, ensure you understand the legality of the process. Review all the paperwork being submitted on your behalf and confirm that it adheres to legal requirements.

3. Your Name, Your Responsibility:

When a title application is submitted with your name on it, you are ultimately responsible. Even if you are unaware of any fraudulent activities, you may still face legal consequences or, at the very least, have your title revoked.

4. No Shortcuts with Titles:

A vehicle title is a serious government document, and taking shortcuts can have severe consequences. Penalties for perjury are often associated with title applications, emphasizing the importance of accuracy and legality.

Vigilance in Title Transactions is Paramount

In the world of vehicle titles, vigilance is key. Protect yourself from potential scams and legal troubles by ensuring that every step in the title acquisition process is legitimate and transparent. A title is not just a piece of paper; it’s a legal document with far-reaching consequences. Stay informed, stay cautious, and safeguard your interests in all your vehicle transactions.

How To Get A Lien Release From A Closed Bank

How do you get a lien release from a closed bank? If you have a car that you’ve paid off a loan, maybe you have the title and lost it or maybe you didn’t get the title from the bank, you’ll need to get a replacement title. However, in many cases, the lien on the vehicle title record will actually prevent that from happening. How do you get the documents needed for a lien release if the bank has gone out of business?

Verify the lien status

The first step is to verify the lien is actually in the system at the DMV. Sometimes when the lien is paid off the bank will notify the DMV. In this case, you can simply obtain a duplicate title. If it’s in their system, you’ll still need to verify that the bank is actually closed. Just because they’re not at that location anymore, or they don’t answer the phone, it doesn’t mean they’re out of business. It means that they might have moved, maybe they changed names, maybe they were acquired by another bank, or maybe they merged with another bank. If that’s the case, if they moved or changed names or were bought out by another bank or new location, they can provide you with a lien release letter. They won’t be able to give you a new title, but the DMV can issue you a new title if you have the lien release letter from your lender.

Use the Secretary of State database

What if the bank is completely out of business? In many cases, you can contact the Secretary of State to find out who is the registered agent for that bank. In many cases, the bank will keep its corporation open so that the registered agent can provide lien releases or other documentation on behalf of the bank. You can also get what’s called a letter of non-interest if the merging bank or the registered agent doesn’t have access to your files anymore, they can provide a letter of non-interest. A letter of non-interest means that that bank or that official person for the bank has no interest in the vehicle, which in the eyes of the DMV is just as satisfactory as a lien release letter. If you can’t get any of that and the bank has just disappeared into thin air, you can provide proof of payments for that loan to your local circuit or district court to obtain a court-ordered vehicle title

Even if the bank is closed, it’s still possible to get your lien released. If your title shows a lien, it’s important to get it removed as soon as it’s paid off. Until the lender is removed from the title, they still have a security interest in your vehicle and a lien title will severely limit your ability to sell or trade in the vehicle. If it’s your vehicle, you deserve a clean title in your name.

Related Article: Car Dealer Went Out Of Business? Here’s How To Get Your Car Title.

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For as little as $159 for most processes, we will save you the headache and prepare all of the car title paperwork needed to get you a new title. Simply choose the title recovery method you’d like to use and we’ll get started!

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Avoiding Fraudulent Vehicle Titles

In a surprising turn of events, an official Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) employee found themselves entangled in a vehicle title fraud case. This incident, which unfolded in Illinois, sheds light on the fact that even those within the DMV can potentially engage in fraudulent activities related to vehicle titles.

The Allegations

The DMV employee, along with a colleague, allegedly embarked on a scheme to forge vehicle titles for personal gain. Their target was a 2020 Land Rover, and they resorted to forging titles using their access to the motor vehicle records. The motive behind this elaborate plan was to obtain a title for a vehicle that did not legitimately belong to them.

According to the case details, the employee used the computer database to conduct a VIN check. Subsequently, a fake VIN number was employed on a title application to secure a title for a stolen vehicle. While this incident appears to be isolated, it underscores the need for caution when navigating the process of obtaining a title through unconventional means.

Cautionary Measures for Vehicle Title Acquisition

This case serves as a stark reminder that even seemingly official channels can be susceptible to fraudulent activities. When pursuing a title for a vehicle, especially through non-standard methods like alternative titles, court order titles, or bonded titles, it becomes crucial to ensure the legitimacy of the process.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Verify Legitimacy: Whether using standard or alternative methods, it’s imperative to verify that the process employed to obtain the title is completely legitimate. Illegitimate means can lead to complications, including title revocation.
  2. Revocation Risks: Having a title in hand doesn’t necessarily guarantee its validity. If the title was obtained through improper methods, it may face revocation at a later date. Regularly check the status of your title to avoid any unwelcome surprises.
  3. Caution with Non-Standard Methods: Non-traditional approaches, such as court order titles, can be legitimate when done correctly. However, due diligence is essential to ensure that the process aligns with legal requirements.

Ensuring Title Security

While cases like these are relatively rare, they underscore the importance of due diligence in every step of the vehicle title acquisition process. Securing a title is a critical aspect of vehicle ownership, and ensuring the legitimacy of the process guarantees peace of mind and long-term security.


It’s crucial to note that this information is not legal advice. For legal guidance tailored to your specific situation, consult with an attorney.

Stay Informed, Stay Secure

For more insights into vehicle title acquisition, fraud prevention, and updates on related matters, stay connected. Your vehicle’s title is not just a document—it’s your proof of ownership, and ensuring its legitimacy is paramount. Stay informed, stay secure.

File A Lien Against A Vehicle For A Title

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to claim a vehicle due to repairs or storage, it’s essential to explore the available avenues. Two common options for claiming a vehicle are through a mechanics lien or a civil lien. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the differences, pros, and cons of both, helping you make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances.

1. Mechanics Lien: A Brief Overview

A mechanics lien is a legal tool utilized by automotive businesses to recover funds owed for services such as repairs, storage, and towing. While the process varies between states, it typically requires the automotive facility to be licensed. However, we’ll explore a scenario in Washington state where licensing may not be mandatory.

Requirements for Mechanics Lien:

  • License Requirements: In most states, a licensed automotive facility is necessary to execute a mechanics lien.
  • Filing with County Auditor: File a certified copy of the lien with the County Auditor’s recording office.
  • Certified Letters to Owners: Send certified letters to all owners of record, notifying them of the lien.
  • Affidavit of Service: Complete an affidavit of service by mail, attesting to the correctness of the submitted information.

Limitations of Mechanics Lien:

  • DMV Dependency: The mechanics lien process solely operates through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If the DMV faces restrictions in issuing a title, the mechanics lien process may fail.

2. Civil Lien: A Powerful Alternative

A civil lien, also known as a court order title or magistrate title, is a potent alternative to the mechanics lien. It elevates the process beyond the DMV, involving a higher authority, often a court, which can compel the DMV to issue the title.

Civil Lien Advantages:

  • DMV Independence: Unlike a mechanics lien, a civil lien bypasses DMV requirements, seeking intervention from the court.
  • Court Order Authority: The court issues a binding order directing the titling authority to grant the petitioner a motor vehicle certificate of title.
  • Overcoming DMV Limitations: If a mechanics lien fails due to DMV restrictions or denial, a civil lien provides a more assertive approach.

Filing for Civil Lien:

  • Petition to the Court: File a petition in the court of the relevant county, seeking a court order for a motor vehicle certificate of title.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Attach a thorough affidavit, providing details on how possession of the vehicle was acquired, along with other necessary documentation.
  • Refusal from DMV: Include documentation of any refusal or denial from the DMV in the filing.

Court Order Outcome:

  • Judgment Entry: Upon approval, the court issues a judgment entry directing the DMV to issue a title for the motor vehicle.
  • Court’s Finding: The court finds that the petitioner has complied with requirements, and the evidence is sufficient to warrant a certificate of title.

Making the Right Choice

In the realm of vehicle title claims, choosing between a mechanics lien and a civil lien requires careful consideration. While a mechanics lien is a viable option, especially when DMV procedures can be adhered to, a civil lien provides an additional layer of authority. If faced with DMV limitations, a civil lien ensures that the court intervenes, offering a more decisive resolution.


It’s crucial to note that the information provided here is not legal advice. If you require legal assistance, consult with an attorney for guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Learn More:

For further insights, instructions, and services related to mechanics liens and civil liens, visit Our platform offers valuable resources to navigate the title claim process effectively. Whether you choose a mechanics lien or a civil lien, empower yourself with the right knowledge and procedures.

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