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Car Titles Articles

Classic Car Title Replacement

Title Replacement for Classic Cars
So if you have a classic car and you’re missing the title how can you get a replacement title for one that’s been lost or one that needs a duplicate classic cars are more likely to have a missing title because it’s more likely those cars will be dormant as far as activity which means they’re not going to always be on the road they may be off the road for years and years while they’re being fixed up while they’re being you know stored in a barn somewhere in that case the title chain of ownership may be missing meaning that the last owners may not be relatively easy to find the condition of the vehicle in some cases makes it impossible to have it be on the road which means you don’t need a registration to drive it every day that’s no active records in the DMV to look for also you want to make sure that you get the title before spending money on it just because it’s a two hundred alec car now if you don’t have a title after you fix it up and now it’s worth twenty or thirty thousand you’re gonna have a problem because anybody who might have a claim to it might want that car back at that point when it’s worth thirty thousand dollars

Importance of VIN Number Consistency
you want to make sure that the VIN number is consistent on many older cars there was no consistency of creating VIN numbers it could just be any random set of three or four or five digits rather than the standard seventeen digits you have now

Vermont Registration Title Process
so in order to get a title you have to look at what’s available in that state you can also use the Vermont registration title process any vehicle that’s 15 years or older at this point you can use the Vermont registration process to get an ownership document from the state of Vermont and then bring that to your state to convert into your local title there may be some restrictions if it’s currently registered but a classic car may not be you might have to pay sales tax to the state of Vermont to do this in other cases if you go through your own state you might have to get the car inspected you might have to do some VIN verifications but if you use this process which is available at this point you can get a title for your vehicle and then convert it into your state

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Change Vehicle Title into Your Name

Title Transfer Process:
So how do you change a vehicle title from one person to another like put a vehicle title into your name is this something you want to do yourself if it is you’re going to need a transfer form from the prior owner of the vehicle if they have that title and they sign it to you you can usually present that to the DMV in many states that have to be notarized take a look at that title document to see if there’s a notary stamp required under the seller signature also if there’s a lien on the vehicle even if it’s paid off at the bank there has to be a lien release authorizing that title to be transferred if you have that documentation ready to get to the DMV double check to make sure it’s proper because if it’s sent to them and there’s an error in addition to fixing that error many times the DMV will then require a vehicle inspection which you may not want to do so make sure it’s right the first time so it doesn’t trigger you to have an inspection.

Sales Tax Considerations:
Also what might be triggered as sales tax in some states sales tax is established by the transfer of a vehicle it’s a sales and use tax if the vehicle has jumped title or skipped title there may be more than one sales tax due on the car.

Options for Title Transfer:
If you are looking to get the title transfer to your name first determine if you have the prior owners assistance if you do it’s gonna make it much much easier if not look at your options maybe bonded title maybe title recovery maybe even something like a power of attorney might help you get that vehicle title into your name.

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CarMax Auction Lost Vehicle Title

Purchasing from Carmax Auto Auction
So what happens if you purchase a vehicle from a Carmax auto auction, a wholesale auction, and then you lose the title?

Nature of Carmax Auctions
Well typically Carmack’s will sell vehicles that they don’t want to keep for their retail inventory. May be too old, too many miles, maybe the conditions are not that great, and they’ll sell it at a wholesale auction, usually only to licensed dealers but sometimes to individuals.

Title Issues
Maybe you bought that car from the auction, maybe you bought it from the dealer who bought it from the auction, and they either gave you a title and you lost it, or maybe you never got one to begin with. The problem is usually these cars are not titled under the name of Carmax. They’re usually titled under the last retail owner’s name. That person may have no connection with the vehicle, and legally they’re still the owner until it has a new title issued in your name. In many cases, these cars will also have a lien holder who also needs to sign off on transferring that title to you or whoever you designate it.

Carmax Assistance
Carmax is better than most auctions in being able to track down a title if you lose it. They may charge you a fee because they’re gonna have to spend some man-hours and leg work to track that down, but better than most auctions, they have people in a title department that can maybe help you out with that. The timeframe is pretty long; we see an average of three to four months to get a title for a Carmax auction vehicle that’s been lost.

Receiving the Title
Now this isn’t a title that when you buy it from them they hand it to you. Usually, they give that to you at the time that you purchase it, maybe within a week. This is one that you lost after buying the car from Carmax

Contacting Carmack’s
So if you lost the title, first contacts contact the Carmax title department. They may be able to help you out. Be aware that it may take some time and they may charge your fee to track down that title for you.

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Car Title Fraud

Fraud in Kart Idling:
Fraud in kart idling is an increasing problem from many aspects. A vehicle title is a document designed to prove ownership. It requires that official representations are made in applying for that document. These are government forms because the title is only issued by government agency.

Government Documents:
You can’t buy one from a private company. It’s a government document like a birth certificate or a passport. It protects the rightful owners of the vehicle, the heirs, the lenders, anybody who has a claim against that car. If a vehicle title is issued without retaining those claims, meaning that you erase a lien holder, you transfer it from an owner or an heir does not get their proper representation, that’s theft by deception.

Theft by Deception:
So if you’re making a statement on an application that’s not true, you’re stealing somebody’s claim without the proper representation. You never know who has claims on a vehicle. So if you don’t have that prior title and you don’t know the whole story, have to be very careful to make sure that as you’re representing that application for a new title in your name, that you do it correctly.

Importance of Proper Representation:
Because without that prior title, you don’t know how your representations match the history of that vehicle.

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Can you get a Lost Car Title on Your Own?

Title Acquisition Methods
So how can you get a title for your vehicle on your own without having to pay a third-party company any method that’s legal that you’d pay somebody else to do you can do yourself there’s nothing that anybody else can do that you can’t do yourself any fee paid beyond just the basic title fee which is five or ten dollars is something you’re paying somebody else to do that you could do the work yourself if you want to do the legwork.

Legal and DIY Title Acquisition
If you can’t do it yourself that means it’s not legal that means if somebody else is doing it they’re doing something that’s not legal that may get you into trouble with your title one good example is a Vermont registration title this is a completely legal process that is used to get a title for vehicle if all you have is a bill of sale and you can find more information about that in other videos if it’s a vehicle that wouldn’t qualify for that you can use a prior owner true duplicate process but just keep in mind that in any case where you need to get a title for a vehicle if it’s legal to do you can do it yourself.

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